let's see..
i failed my exam to go to boarding school...
which was a shame but good stuff came out of it.
nothing's going to happen between me & dan..
nuhuh. :L
which is a good thing in some respects also
because i got to know jak.
and he is amazing tbh.
he properly cares about me..
and its great...
because no one ever has really.
not that much.
half term now.. haha.. went to what i thought would be holly's party last night. her dad turned up before it started and told everyone to piss off. haaa. so umm.. (this is going to be hard because i don't remember much..) me, zoe & jak went oh yeah.. to the rec and then we left i think to go to keskins... ummm.. or this other place called dr. doolittles. wow. its fun there.
before i came out i had one of those little bottles of vodka and i mixed it with redbull... eeeeeek. its nice but its horrible too because it makes you feel funny.
then i cant remember what i had after that.
i can remember jak walking me to my house & that took aaaaaaaaaages. but it was great.
i have this massive graze thing on my hand.. and a burn.. what happened????
ahhrghh i hate not knowing.
anyway i woke up at an insanely early hour... you ready for this..?? 8:20!!
what the hell.. it is inhumanely impossible.. ahhhh.
i am sooo tired and in pain i couldnt get back to sleep.
i slept with my makeup on.. ewww.
i need to see lara today, she'll look after me won;t she.
i love lara... she is amazing.
okay well i'm off to go say morning to my mother & possibly give her a big hug for letting me stay out later.
big kiss. x